The Youth Employment Agency (YEA) under the leadership Justin Kodua Frimpong has committed to collaborating with the Oti Regional Coordinating Council to reduce unemployment in the Region to the barest minimum in the shortest possible time and eventually end it entirely.
This according to the Chief Executive Officer of the Youth Employment Agency, Justin Kodua Frimpong will be done through extensive development of Agriculture via the Agency's Regional Flagship programmes.
Another focus area will be the empowerment of individuals and cooperatives who want learn a trade or skill and set up on their own.
The Chief Executive Officer was speaking at a brief ceremony to commission the YEA's new ultra-modern office complex to serve as the Headquarters for the newly created Oti Region.
Mr Kodua Frimpong stated that this new office will aid in bringing job opportunities closer to the teaming Youth in the Oti Region.
He said this initiative will forge a closer relationship with the Regional Coordinating Council to implement the numerous modules and projects including; the YEA Jobcentre, the Artisan Directory, Flagship Projects, Work Abroad Program and the numerous Entrepreneurship support programs.
The Regional Minister, Dr Joshua Makobu, who prides himself as a former employee of the Agency praised the Akufo-Addo government as a government that believes in the empowerment and development of people through all reasonable means, a reason for which he is a Regional Minister today.
He welcomed the innovative efforts of Mr Kodua Frimpong and his team and called for a deepened collaboration between to two outfits to create more opportunities for his people.
"As a Regional Minister, I wish to state my unflinching support for the job creation agenda of YEA which is perfectly in line with Government's Industrialisation drive," he said.
Dr Joshua Makobu took the opportunity to urge participants to buy into the E-Levy proposal to allow government create more jobs as emulated by YEA.
The Dean of Municipal and District Chief Executives in the Oti Region and MCE for Krachi East, Francis Kofi Okeso praised government for the numerous infrastructural developments that are taking place accross the region since its creation.
He was of the belief that the completion of the YEA office will motivate other state agencies to expedite work on their regional offices.
Chief of Dambai, Nana Bameasem Asafohene expressed gratitude to government for how Dambai particularly and the entire Region is rapidly seeing a face-lift since the region was created.
He called on the youth to advatange and make good use of the YEA office.
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