National | Opinion

Yaw Gyampo: We all thought we knew NPP better

Prof Ransford Gyampo is a Political Science lecturer at the University of Ghana

Ideally, the NDC, given its revolutionary past, should have been more vicious, vindictive and ruthless in dealing with political opponents. We heard its former National Chairman, the late Dr Kwabena Adjei at least saying there are many ways to kill a cat, when he was demanding certain drastic actions to be taken against some people who weren’t members of his party. But Prof Mills pulled the breaks.

The vicious scheme to jail Ato Forson at all costs by the NPP, as revealed by Richard Jakpa’s recent application in court, should be worrying to all well-meaning Ghanaians who cherish our cohesion and peace.

In his witness statement, Jakpa, I am told, testifies on oath, that the Attorney-General told him that the reason for his inclusion in the prosecution is to mask the real intention behind the whole trial and that it was the President of the Republic and Ken Ofori-Atta who are mounting pressure for Ato Forson to be jailed.

Jakpa is therefore asking the court for an opportunity to testify to these matters and be cross examined.

If truly, someone deserves to be punished, so should it be. But if Jakpa successfully adduces evidence to back his claims, the NPP would succeed in being the worst offenders in decimating public confidence in our court and judicial processes.

I wouldn’t advise the NDC to pay them back tomorrow but the NPP must know that, the revolutionary fervour of the NDC was only suspended during the reign of Prof Mills, just for the purposes of safeguarding our peace as a nation.

It is disappointing to note that these things are happening under a regime that we all thought knew better.

Yaw Gyampo

A31, Prabiw

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Suro Nipa House

Behind Old Post Office


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