
Women banned from exposing breast

The Chiefs of Ankaful, a fishing community near Saltpond in the Central Region, have banned women in the town from exposing their breast in public. Chief of the town, Nana Kwame Entsiful IV who announced the ban at a durbar to celebrate annual Okyir Festival said the practice which was an "eyesore" was becoming too common. "The ban is to ensure decency in dressing by women", Nana Entsiful stated and warned that severe sanction would be imposed on any woman who flouted the ban. Nana Entsiful urged women to stop wasting "too much money" on new dresses, clothes and other items for frivolous social functions such as outdooring which landed them in debt. "Getting one cloth to enable you to go to Church to thank God for safe delivery will do," he said. The Chief appealed to the government to solve the acute water problem facing the town where a bucket of water was being sold for 1,500 cedis. He commended World Vision, Ghana, an NGO for constructing a school block for the town and appealed to the people to give the NGO their support to complete the project on time. Source: GNA

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