It was a joyous time at the Maternity Unit of the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital as new mothers were celebrated by Wilmar Africa's Alife Soap brand as the world marked Mother’s Day.

Under its Maame Mo! campaign, the company made special donation of some personal and home care gifts including soaps and other toiletries to some mothers.

The gesture was to celebrate the efforts and pains mothers endure both at birth and in the upbringing of their offspring as the company commits to providing quality home care products.

From protecting their off-springs and ensuring their proper upbringing, the responsibilities of mothers are uniquely defined and appreciated in society.

Madam Lucy Asare Bediako told JoyNews, “Being a mother is beautiful but sometimes challenging when you have to cater for your child."

"Regardless, this is the responsibility we must bear,” she added.

In celebrating their efforts and the determination to cater for their family, Wilmar Ghana made donations to the maternity unit of the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital.

Senior Midwife at the Maternity Unit of KATH, Gifty Selorm said the gesture came at the opportune time as some mothers struggle to purchase some items.

“Sometimes, we have expectant mothers come in here without some of these personal stuff. We have to purchase these items for them. These products will go a long way to help the mothers,” she said.

Brands Manager for Personal and Home Care categories at Wilmar Africa, Maame Adwoa Markin underscored the motivation underlying the gesture.

“As the brand whose purpose is to make the washing experience less stressful for everyone including Mothers, the Jamaa brand, joined in this celebration to support new moms and their babies with its quality products: Jamaa soap and Jamaa detergent.

"With the arrival of a baby comes more responsibility to ensure a clean and tidy home. Jamaa recognizes this important responsibility and continues to assure all mothers of being their partner in cleanliness,” she said.

For the mothers, it was a day well celebrated.

“We are grateful to Wilmar for these items. For thinking about us and bringing these items to us, we are dumbfounded. We appreciate this so much,” a recipient of the donation said.

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