A 66-year-old watchman, Emmanuel Bruwa, who allegedly stole from his employer and blamed it on armed robbers, was on Thursday granted 30 million cedis bail with a surety to be justified by a circuit at Cape Coast. He pleaded not guilty and would reappear on Thursday May 24. Prosecuting, Chief inspector Hope Azasoo told the court presided over by Beresford Acquah that the complainant is a civil servant and caretaker of a building project where he employed Bruwa as a watchman. He alleged that there had been thefts of building materials but anytime Bruwa was questioned, he failed to give any tangible explanation and as a result some of the workers at the site were dismissed. On May 02, a mason who works at the site detected that 42 out of 85 bags of cement were missing from the site and when Bruwa was questioned, he alleged that armed robbers attacked him and took away the cement and some iron rods, amidst gun shots. He said Bruwa failed to report the incident to the police but the complainant caused his arrest because of his failure to explain the previous thefts. Source: GNA

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