The University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) has honoured former Executive Director of the Advertising Association of Ghana (AAG), Francis Dadzie, for his outstanding achievements and dedication to the advancement of the advertising industry.

He received the honour at the 7th edition of the UPSA Classic Awards which took place last on Saturday, May 18.

The UPSA Classic Awards is an annual campus-based awards gala organised to honour distinguished students and individuals who have excelled in their fields of work.

Mr Dadzie, after receiving his award, expressed his gratitude to the student body for recognising his effort and the impact he had made in the various positions he had served.

He said during his time in the school which was then the Institute of Professional Studies (IPS), it wasn’t developed as it was now but most of his colleagues were able to excel.

He, therefore, advised the students to take their academics seriously and remain disciplined for them to achieve greatness.

He also urged the student leaders to exhibit honesty and integrity in all their endeavours.

“I have alumni following me today because I exhibited leadership with honesty and integrity when I was a student leader.

"They don’t hesitate when I tell them to make contributions because they know that it will be accounted for,” Mr Dadzie said.

Below is the Citation that came with Mr Dadzie's award

A citation presented in honour stated that Mr Dadzie, throughout the years, had dedicated unwavering commitment and had stood as a beacon of inspiration and transformation within Ghana’s business landscape.

As Executive Director of the AAG since 1999, it said he epitomised leadership, fostered innovation, and drove positive change in the industry.

“Under his stewardship, the AAG has undergone a remarkable metamorphosis, evolving from a trade association to a professional body of distinction,” it said.

The citation also said Mr Dadzie who is currently the President of the UPSA Global Alumni, continued to inspire and empower future leaders by spearheaded initiatives such as the UPSA Police Station project, aimed at ensuring the safety and security of students.

“In celebration of his unparalleled achievements and enduring legacy, we extend our heartfelt appreciation for his visionary leadership, exemplary service, and unwavering commitment to excellence.

His contributions have not only enriched Ghana's advertising industry but have also inspired countless individuals to strive for greatness and make a lasting impact in the world. Classic Awards UPSA and UPSA,” the citation said.

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