
TTU donates 15,000 nose masks to GJA, other key institutions

The Takoradi Technical University (TTU) has donated over 15,000 pieces of nose masks to the Regional Branch of the Ghana Journalists Association, the Regional Coordinating Council and Market Associations in the fight against the spread of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

Other institutions to benefit from the University's innovation include; Health Directorates across the various MMDAs in the region, vulnerable groups among others.

Professor John Frank Eshun, Vice-Chancellor of the University said it was prudent that the University brought its technological prowess out through the homemade nose masks in solving societal challenges as presented by the deadly virus.

He was speaking at a symbolic presentation of the nose masks designed by the Fashion Department of the Faculty of Applied Arts and Technology of the University to Mr Kwabena Okyere Darko-Mensah, the Western Regional Minister at the Jubilee Park in Takoradi.

The Jubilee park now houses more than 800 traders, who were evacuated from the central business district of the Markets circle by the city Authorities due to social distancing.

He reminded all and sundry of the need to keep to all the protocols and Directive by WHO and the government of Ghana in containing and avoiding the spread of the virus.

The Vice-Chancellor said the University was prepared and able to produce more of the masks and called on institutions to partner or support in producing more to serve the public need.

Mr. Kwabena Okyere Darko-Mensah, the Western Regional Minister who received the items and presented them to heads of institutions present, said it had become even more necessary for the Region to sit up as it has recorded one case already.

"We are putting all shoulders to the wheel to ensure that the Chinese victim in our case is treated, we are also following up with appropriate contact tracing to avoid any degeneration of the situation", he added.

He, therefore, entreated the market women in particular to be wary of social distancing while, urging patrons to wear the nose masks for the necessary protection.

The ceremony was also used to inaugurate an 11-member TTU Covid-19 taskforce from the University.

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