The New Patriotic Party's Campaign Chair for the 2024 general election, Dan Botwe has called on the clergy to help address the overwhelming propaganda and negativity that he says are pervasive in Ghana. 

Speaking at a recent gathering as part of Dr Mahamudu Bawumia's tour of the Greater Accra Region, Mr Botwe emphasised the crucial role that religious leaders can play in promoting truth and positivity within the country's socio-political landscape.

The former Minister of Local Government noted that the current climate of misinformation and negative rhetoric is detrimental to national unity and development. 

He urged the clergy to use their influential platforms to advocate honesty, integrity, and constructive discourse. 

According to Mr Botwe, the clergy's moral authority positions them uniquely to help "sanitize the system" and encourage a more fact-based and hopeful narrative.

The Minister acknowledged that while the government has its part to play, the efforts of religious leaders in combating falsehoods and fostering a spirit of cooperation are indispensable. 

He called for a collaborative approach where the government and the clergy work together to counteract the effects of propaganda and negativity, ultimately fostering a more positive and progressive environment.

In his address, Mr Botwe also highlighted the importance of setting examples of ethical behaviour and truthfulness. 

He expressed confidence that with the support of the clergy, Ghana could overcome the challenges posed by negative propaganda and move towards a more unified and prosperous future.

"We are not here to plead with you to go and tell your people to vote for NPP or Bawumia, but we are saying that in all these things including the confusion of the modern world, the cowards, the noisy people will use all forms of tricks."

"Still, it takes the counsel of men and women of God so that they can understand the issues because you know it better because those who can do propaganda, are not always right," he said.

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