In life, there are few individuals whose influence is so profound that their words become guiding stars on our darkest nights. Pastor Mensa Otabil is one such individual. As we celebrate his 65th birthday today, I find myself reflecting on the remarkable journey his teachings have inspired in my life—and undoubtedly in the lives of countless others.

A decade ago, during a period of intense personal struggle, I first encountered Pastor Otabil's teachings. At the time, my life seemed to be falling apart, and the dreams I had cherished in my journalism career felt out of reach. It was during this challenging phase that a friend gifted me a set of CDs featuring Pastor Otabil’s sermons. Little did I know that these CDs would become a lifeline I so desperately needed.

Previously, I had listened to Pastor Otabil's sermons on Joy FM, where his messages are broadcast after the midday news. However, the sermon on the CD my friend gave me struck a particularly deep chord with me. It was about the importance of planning one's life and developing a 10-year vision. Pastor Otabil’s voice, calm yet commanding, delivered a message that was both simple and revolutionary: "The next decade will come whether we plan for it or not, so why not plan intentionally?" It was as though a light pierced through the fog of my despair. The idea that I could take control of my future and map out a vision for the next ten years was both empowering and liberating.

That evening, I purchased a new diary and, with Pastor Otabil’s words echoing in my mind, began to craft a vision for my life. I set long-term goals and broke them down into short- and medium-term objectives. For the first time in weeks, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. It wasn’t just about setting goals; it was about believing that with intentionality, prayer, and hard work, I could achieve them.

Over the years, this practice of goal setting has become a cornerstone of my life. Whenever faced with challenges, I would revisit that 10-year plan, recalibrate if necessary, and keep moving forward. The results have been nothing short of miraculous. Today, I find myself in a position of fulfilment, both in my career and personal life, and I know, without a doubt, that this transformation was ignited by that single sermon from Pastor Otabil.

Pastor Mensa Otabil’s teachings reach into the depths of one’s soul, providing not just answers, but the right questions to guide the journey. His message is one of hope, empowerment, and unwavering faith in God’s plan for each of us. He teaches that our circumstances do not define us; rather, it is our vision and faith that chart the course of our lives.

But my story is just one among thousands—millions, even. Pastor Otabil’s ministry has touched lives across Ghana, Africa, and the world. His sermons resonate with people from all walks of life—young and old, rich and poor. Whether through his words, his schools, hospitals, or life-transforming community services, Pastor Otabil’s impact knows no boundaries.

He has built a legacy of faith, hope, and excellence. His visionary leadership in founding the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC) has created a spiritual home for millions, a place where people find guidance, support, and a deeper connection with God. His establishment of Central University underscores his commitment to nurturing future leaders, equipping them with not just academic knowledge, but with the principles of integrity and service.

As Pastor Mensa Otabil celebrates his 65th birthday, we, his followers, are filled with gratitude. We appreciate the countless hours he has spent in prayer, seeking God’s wisdom to guide us. We are grateful for the sacrifices he has made to build a ministry that not only preaches the word of God but embodies it in practical ways every day. We honour his resilience, his unwavering faith, and his relentless pursuit of excellence.

On this milestone birthday, we pray that God continues to bless Pastor Otabil with strength, wisdom, and health. May his influence continue to expand, touching even more lives and transforming even more communities. We pray that his legacy will endure for generations, a testament to what is possible when one man’s life is wholly dedicated to serving God and humanity.

Happy 65th birthday, Pastor Mensa Otabil. May you continue to be a beacon of hope, a pillar of faith, and a leader of vision. We celebrate you today and always, and we look forward to the many more years of wisdom and inspiration you will undoubtedly bring into our lives. May your days be filled with joy, laughter, and the overwhelming presence of God’s love.

You have given us the tools to dream big, to plan purposefully, and to live faithfully. For that, we are eternally grateful.

Happy birthday, Pastor.

Ye ma wo Ayekoo!


The writer, Daniel Oduro, is a Communications Specialist who can be reached via email at

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