
TB cases reduce

Tuberculosis cases reduced from 72 between January and May 2006 to 22 within the same period in 2007 in Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District of the Central region. Mr Paul Kweku Twum, Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District Coordinator of the disease announced at a day's sensitisation durbar at Breman Asikuma. It was organised by the Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District Directorate of Ghana Health Service to educate the people on the symptoms and treatment of the disease. He noted that the reduction was the constant education by health workers that made the people to report symptoms of the disease to health centres early for treatment. Mr Twum said the disease could be cured and appealed to patients to follow advice provided by health personnel and avoid alcoholic beverages and smoking to ensure its eradication from the district. He appealed to relatives of patients not to neglect them but support them. Mr Twum advised the people to avoid sleeping in over-crowded and poorly ventilated rooms and appealed to mothers to send their newly born babies to health centres for vaccination against the disease. Source: GNA

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