Supt Abdul Rahim Hussein, in charge of Islamic Affairs at the Ghana Police Service, has called on Zongo chiefs to support the police in ensuring peace, before, during, and after the general elections.
According to him, it is essential for the Chiefs to help provide the police with the right information and engage the people to do everything they can to promote peace.
Speaking at a forum organised by the National Council of Zongo Chiefs in partnership with Star Ghana Foundation, he said some Zongo communities have been identified as hot spots and as leaders, the Chiefs have the power to control it by talking to the people.
Supt. Hussein entreated Zongo Chiefs to see themselves as peace ambassadors.
They should try to identify all the groups in the political parties, connect and communicate with them, he added.
The Forum which was aimed at engaging the Chiefs to deliberate on how to ensure peaceful elections at the various Zongo communities, was on the theme, "Peace, before, during and after the 2020 general elections."
Chief Imoro Baba Issa, Public Relations Officer, NCZC said Ghanaians, especially the youth of the various political parties, must place the interest of Ghana above any others.
"We must help Ghana keep its respected image and not destroy it. This election should not be a do or die affair," he stated.
Baba Issa added parties must endeavour to send well-informed and experienced persons to the polling stations to help minimize the tensions that arise at after elections.
He called on colleague Chiefs in the regions to send peace messages to their people and be at the forefront in calming down tensions should they arise.
Executive Director, Star Ghana Foundation, Ibrahim Tanko Amidu, said development cannot happen in the Zongos if there is no peace.
Mr Tanko said Star Ghana was counting on the chiefs to make 2020 a difference and make this a starting point.
"It's time we say no. We are no longer going to be used, but we want to raise our voices concerning issues that bring about development to our communities."
"We need jobs, health facilities, and development. Let us save our youth from being used to create trouble without getting anything, but we should work together to promote the development of our Zongo communities."
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