
Students use fees for mobile phones

The Headmistress of Nungua Secondary School, Ms. Kate Bannerman, has expressed concern over the mobile phone craze among some students saying some of them use their fees to buy the phones. She has therefore appealed to parents not give out school fees to their wards but make payments directly to the schools. Ms Bannerman made the appeal when Papa Owusu Ankomah, Minister of Education Science and Sports called at her school as part of a visit to some selected examination centres during the commencement of the West Africa Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) in Accra. Other schools visited included the Presbyterian Secondary School, Osu, Labone Secondary School, Presbyterian Secondary School, Teshie and Nungua Secondary School. Mrs Rene Boakye Boaten, Director-in-charge of Secondary Education accompanied the Minister. Ms Bannerman said there had been instances where some parents called the school claiming monies for fees had been used for the purchase of mobile phones thereby creating problems for the parents. Source: GNA

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