Société Générale Ghana, in collaboration with Accra High Senior Secondary School, has launched a tree planting initiative as part of this year's Green Ghana programme.

The event, held at Accra High Senior Secondary School on Friday, June 28, was attended by representatives from the Forestry Commission, including Diana Ampedu and Millicent Dilson from the nursery department.

President Akufo-Addo proclaimed June 11, 2021, as Green Ghana Day, marking it as an annual event dedicated to safeguarding the nation's forests and the environment.

The initiative involves tree planting across various designated areas nationwide, coordinated by the Forestry Commission. Corporate organisations and institutions, such as Société Générale Ghana, engage directly with the Commission to participate in these efforts.

During the opening ceremony, the Assistant Headmistress of Academics at Accra High School, Mrs Monica Botchway, welcomed Société Générale Ghana's initiative on behalf of the headmistress, Miss Evelyne Nabia, staff, students, and management.

Mrs Botchway highlighted the school’s progress and underscored the challenges faced, particularly the need for a boarding house.

“On behalf of the board members, the headmistress, Miss Evelyne Sagbil Nabia, the staff, the students and the management we welcome Mr Hakim Ouzzani and the team from Société Générale Ghana to Accra High School”.

“We are happy to have you here to collaborate with us on this year's Green Ghana programme. We look forward to more collaboration in the future.”

Speaking at the event, Hakim Ouzzani, Managing Director of Société Générale Ghana, emphasised the importance of tree planting for every individual. He underscored that the current global count of approximately 3 trillion trees vastly outweighs the human population of 7.7 billion.

Mr Ouzzani highlighted the pressing need for increased tree planting efforts due to ongoing deforestation and related activities. He stressed that despite the vast number of trees, it remains insufficient to counterbalance environmental impacts effectively.

Addressing the gathering, Senior Quality Analyst for the Office of the President for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Nana Yaw Amirika urged the students to actively participate in tree planting initiatives for the benefit of future generations at their school.

He emphasised that tree planting should be embraced as a hobby, highlighting its importance beyond immediate benefits. Mr Amirika reiterated that the government's initiative aims to ensure the sustainability of the planet for current and future generations.

“The government initiative is mainly to ensure that the only planet we call home survives whiles we are here and after we are gone. So, I urge you all to take that into consideration as we continue the exercise today.”

The Forestry Commission spearheaded the tree-planting initiative involving mango, coconut, oil palm, and mimusops trees. 

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