The State Insurance Company (SIC), the third time winner of the Chartered Institute of marketing Award is to introduce a travel insurance cover for visitors into the country before the end of March this year. The product, dubbed "Akwaaba" would offer visitors to Ghana, the opportunity to insure themselves with SIC from wherever they were prior to their arrival to enable them benefit from a variety of facilities including health. Speaking to the GNA at the ongoing 11th Ghana International Trade and Exhibition Fair dubbed "Golden Jubilee Fair," Mrs Doris Awo Nkani, Head of the company's Sales and Marketing Department told the GNA that various centres would be opened abroad to facilitate the patronage of the new product. According to her, a lot of research had gone into the process and assured that market research conducted indicated a good preference by visitors for the travel insurance cover. She said the implementation would be carried out with the collaboration of the various embassies outside the country and added that the basic idea was to make Ghana a safe haven for all visitors. In addition, Mrs Nkani said a special centre would be set up in Accra that would coordinate all activities offering a 24-hour service to its clients. Besides, motor, fire, accidents and life policies, SIC also has several tailored-made products that offer flexible home packages, combination of all manner of risks. The company is at the fair to educate participants about risks and hazards associated with their businesses and the need to take cover. GNA

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