Caterers participating in the government’s school feeding programme in the Ashanti region are on the brink of a demonstration due to the government's failure to settle outstanding arrears spanning three academic terms.

Expressing deep disappointment and frustration, the caterers revealed that they have not received any payments from September 2023 to June 2024, despite repeated assurances from the government. 

This prolonged delay has severely impacted their ability to operate effectively, as they struggle to meet financial obligations, including payments to creditors who are now threatening legal action.

The dire financial situation has prompted the caterers to issue a stern ultimatum to the government, demanding that the outstanding payments be deposited into their accounts by the end of Wednesday, June 26. 

They have warned of imminent protest should their demands remain unmet, highlighting the urgency and severity of their predicament.

Meanwhile, according to a study conducted by the education think tank, Africa Education Watch, there is a pressing need for a 200 percent increase in funding for the school feeding programme to ensure the provision of quality meals to beneficiaries. 

The Executive Director of Africa Education Watch, Kofi Asare, underscored that an estimated GH¢3 billion is required to sustain and enhance the programme to meet the nutritional needs of school children effectively.

According to him, the failure to disburse funds as promised not only jeopardizes the livelihoods of the caterers but also threatens the continuity of a vital educational initiative aimed at enhancing nutrition and educational outcomes for children.

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