
Row over palm-wine leads farmer to prison

A 32-year-old farmer who could not control his appetite for palm-wine has landed himself in prison after inflicting cutlass wound on his friend for denying him the drink. Kwaku Adomako, the accused, pleaded guilty to one count of causing unlawful harm to one Kwabena Yentumi and has been sentenced to three years’ imprisonment in hard labour by the Juaso Circuit Court. Police Detective Inspector Mike Fritz Bekoe, prosecuting told the court that, the accused was a farmer whereas the complainant was a painter all of whom lived at Domeabra, near Juansah. He said on January 18, 2007 around 0800 hours the complainant and some friends were drinking palm-wine when the accused appeared and asked to be served and they obliged. Detective Inspector Bekoe said the accused after taking the drink further asked for more but he was denied, resulting in a quarrel between the two parties. The prosecutor said the accused then pulled a cutlass from his trousers and inflicted a wound on the complainant’s right hand and took to his heels. He said the complainant was rushed to the Agogo Presbyterian Hospital where he was admitted for one week and upon his discharge made a report to the police, leading to the arrest of the accused. Source: GNA

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