Rotarians across the country have been urged to bring together businesses and professionals to provide humanitarian services and providing support in addressing challenges affecting the economy.

According to the newly appointed president of the Rotary Club of Accra North Kaneshie, Kwabena Asomaning accelerating impact in communities for people is pertinent to supporting government's quest to achieve a stable economy.

Speaking to Joy Business, he stressed the need for rotarians to collaborate and create an enabling environment to push for more developments in the country.

He mentioned that a skilled training centre is key to creating employment for young people.

"We want to focus on a skilled training centre because unemployment is a big deal in our country. In this age we need to create job makers not seekers so by creating this skill training centre will help reduce this menace in Ghana"

"We also need to collaborate across all sectors of the Ghanaian economy because without that it will be difficult to achieve a common goal for economic growth"

Accra North Kaneshie Club former President, James Kofi Tuade, said the club has so many projects it intends to embark on.

“We set out with a singular vision to cre­ate hope for children in all sectors of the economy within that would offer the highest standards of care, innovation, and service to our community,” he stated.

The Rotary Club of Accra North Kaneshie says it carry out service projects that enhance economic and community development and create opportunities for decent and productive work for young and old.

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