Leading medical gas supply company, Rikair Company Limited has donated medical consumables to the Tema General hospital.

The items worth GH¢340,000 are to help augment its operations in the metropolis for efficient health service delivery.

The items include surgical gowns, nose masks, temperature guns, disposable coveralls and many others.

Director of Production and Sales at Rikair, Dominic Ocloo said the donation forms part of their corporate social responsibility.

He said the company is doing similar donation in other hospitals across the country.

Mr. Ocloo said as a Ghanaian company, it is part of their commitment to complement government efforts in ensuring quality healthcare delivery across the country.

For his part, the Medical Director of the Tema General Hospital, Dr Richard Anthony who received the items on behalf of the facility, expressed appreciation for the donation.

He assured that the items donated would be used for the intended purpose.

Like Oliver Twist, Dr. Anthony appealed to Rikair to continue to support Tema General Hospital.

“I want to believe that, this is not a one-time donation. More will be coming from you and other corporate bodies, individuals, societies, and churches” he added.

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