I don't know about you, but the weather in Ghana lately is mostly chill. It's like we're experiencing a mini winter with the cold wind hitting your face once in a while and ensuring that your air conditioning and ceiling fan don't drain your electricity prepaid.

We're finally using those duvet covers and sleeping soundly because the weather is good. Unfortunately for me, I don't sleep. My sleeping pattern has changed; I barely get any sleep. I got myself checked a few times, and there's nothing wrong with me - I just struggle to sleep at night. Sleep comes around 3-4 am, and that's become the routine.

So after reading the Bible around 11 pm, I thought myself to watch TV Drama series. I don't pay attention to TV Series. I think they are time-consuming plus my anxiety level just shoots up the roof when it comes to these TV dramas so I am a little bit careful, I try to keep up with movies instead.

But obviously, I've got few hours to be absolutely unproductive so I chose a drama series at random “Crash Landing on You”

When I watched the plot the first time, I stayed up till episode 4 ended, which was 7 am in the morning. Long story short I went to work right after without any sleep and that week was the worst.

So as an adult, I had a choice to continue with my new addiction or quit.

I quit for four days and went right back to it.

Oh yes!  This Park Ji-eun is an incredible writer and the main characters Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin, who I read are actually married together in real life with on child gave their all to their various characters with of course plenty drama!

During the four days of the Drama series break, I spent the time on social media. I am typically not your active social media person but I certainly paid attention to a lot of random posts about mostly friendships gone sour, love leaving a lot of tables, betrayal from close friends, family and the only thing left seems to be just “Self-Care, Self-realization and actualization” looks like everyone is heavy on SELF lately.

On Tictok, I saw a video of famous actress Oheneyre Mercy Asiedu lamenting bitterly about how wicked some of your close friends can be and had advised people to pay attention and stay far away from such people. She said

“Fear the one closer to you more, some human beings are just very scary to live around. They smile with you and the next minute turn around and spew vicious and despicable lies about you” she told Emelia Brobbey on her show.

I've also noticed how musician Kofi Kinaata’s song ‘Saman’ off his new groundbreaking EP Kofi oo Kofi has garnered a lot of attention with people reenacting the lyrics which essentially speak about the betrayal and wicked nature of people we call friends. He said, “ Wetin Man do man, wey man wan kill man!”

I guess a lot of people have learned the hard way and will dare not go back to the old. And so the trend of these and many others caught my attention and I had to make sure I was not overreacting by assuming it was a trend because I'd seen at least 10 posts indicating broken trust, disrespect, broken heart, Betrayal, and end of friendships.

So at work, I asked my colleague Faustina: Fousti, I don't know if it's just me or I'm just exaggerating but I think a lot more people are leaving behind long-term friendships, marriages and relations nowadays and the thing is that a lot more are vocal about these experiences in recent times. What has changed? What's going on?

Fausti: I guess a lot more people have grown over the years and are realizing people aren't who they say they are. So yes you are right about the current trend.

II Timothy 3:1-5 NKJV

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!

All I can think of is whether or not we are experiencing the End time?

I've had my own share of bad friendships with self-centered, manipulative, greedy, disloyal and pretentious individuals and have learned my lessons but is there a possibility of having a loving, supportive, family and different religious values that foster love, respect, and appreciation for all?

The movies and the series we watch on a daily preach these values,  like the love, support and loyalty shown by friends, and colleagues and the entire community of a little village in the north side of the Korean DMZ showed their captain  Ri Jeong Hyeok who found the love of his life crash landing on him!

some music also echoes the same, essence of love.

Do you think it's doable?

Share your experience with me, let's figure it out together.

The author, Rebecca Tweneboah Darko (Becky), is an entertainment journalist with The Multimedia Group. The views expressed in the article are her own and do not reflect the sentiment of the institution.

Facebook: Becky Gh
Instagram: @iambecky23
Twitter: @iambecky23
LinkedIn: Rebecca Tweneboah Darko
Youtube: Becks Channel

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