
Provision of Police station a priority

The Deputy Interior Minister, Mr. Kweku Agyeman-Manu has said the provision of police stations throughout the country has been on the priority list of the Ghana Police service. He said because of budgetary constraints the Service cannot provide police stations in all communities and therefore an appeal has been made to the district assemblies to assist in the provision of the facility while the police administration provides the personnel to man these stations. The Deputy Minister was responding to a question in Parliament on when Agona Amenfi, Anakum and other communities within the Amenfi Central Constituency would be provided with a police station. In response to another question on plans to provide a fire tender to the fire station at Essam/Debiso in the Bia district capital, Mr Agyeman-Manu said the provision of fire tenders was one of the challenges facing the Ghana Fire Service. "Government is vigorously sourcing for funding to procure fire tenders. When the arrangements are concluded and the fire tenders are procured, Essam/Debiso in the Bia district would be allocated a fire tender," he said. Source: GNA

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