
Print industry aims higher

Players in the print industry have begun a sustained campaign to adopt state of the art technologies to improve upon their quality of production and make them comparable to imported paper products. According to them, the introduction of new products such as the Speedmaster will position the industry to meet large orders from both corporate and public clients. The Chief Executive Officer of Type, a graphic designing and printing firm, Cobby Asmah who spoke to Joy Business Report on challenges in the industry said government should widen what he described as the margin of preference on imported raw materials to enable the industry produce books at a lower cost. He explained that Ghanaian businesses importing raw materials were no competition if matched against established foreign companies who operated at a higher efficiency and also produced their own raw materials. He said this was so “because then the margin of preference will cancel out the duty element and so there is no benefit in there. We think that we should be given the preference, we should be allowed largely to supply our books, and those things I think that we need policy to be able to implement it. “What it does is that at the end of it we get the money to stay in the country, it has its multiplier effect, it generates income, we pay more taxes and so on. Ghana benefits.

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