The National Peace Council has issued a warning to the Electoral Commission (EC) against misusing its independence in the lead-up to the December elections. 

The Council emphasised that the EC should remain receptive to suggestions aimed at ensuring that the elections are free, fair, and transparent.

At the launch of the National Elections Response Group, Council member Malvi Mohammed Bin Salih spoke to journalists, stressing the importance of the EC considering diverse opinions. 

He pointed out that the EC should not use its independent status as a shield to reject valuable inputs, as any failure in the electoral process would be unforgivable.

Bin Salih urged the commissioners to maintain an open mind, welcoming suggestions and criticism to help them conduct credible elections in December. 

He highlighted the critical role of listening to different perspectives in achieving a successful and trustworthy electoral process.

“Independent they are, yes. But that doesn’t stop them from listening to Ghanaians, listening to the wisdom of our elders, and so on and so forth. They should not, under any circumstances, hide behind the independence to refuse to consult and listen.

“If they put their acts together and do it well, they can put Ghana together and they can place Ghana on a pedestal of peace and progress. But if they don’t act well, they can also break Ghana and posterity will not forgive them if it so happens.”

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