Flag of Ghana in front of the blue sky

What is the worth of a country without its people? What is the worth of a family without progress? What is the worth of a group of people without a goal? What is the worth of a person without a purpose? 

These are questions that run through my mind as I meditate on happenings around this country. It is a perturbing issue that gets into the corridors of my soul. I weep sometimes when I see the evil and wickedness that people do in this country, especially those in government. 

My thoughts then took me to the history of this country. While I study, I realised one peculiar thing that runs through the entire lives of the people I took a glares at. 

Nii Amon Kotei, the product of our nation’s passionate and powerful citizen. A man, though dead, is remembered for designing the Ghana’s Coat of Arm, and designing the Labone and Nungua Senior High School crests. 

Also, Theodosia Okoh, a woman who was passionate about arts and design and had a great legacy which can still be remembered till today. Mrs. Theodosia Okoh was the artist who designed the Ghana Flag to replace the flag of the United Kingdom. What an impact!

Another patriot is Philip Gbeho Comi, the pride of our National Anthem. The anthem we sing today was composed by someone before our (most of us) birth. A legacy that echoes from generation to generation. 

Furthermore, the National Anthem in Twi, the patriotic “Yen Ara Asaase”, was composed years back by Ephraim Amu. The talented musician who thought it wise to leave a heritage for his country. This is a song we all sing passionately today during national programmes. 

Have you ever thought deeply about how the independence was gained? In as much as they that place their lives on the line for what we enjoy today, have we thought of it? We learn by way of history how “The Big Six” got us here. 

These were men who were willing to give up their lives for a higher purpose beyond themselves so that we, as a country, may live in comfort. These men accepted their fate and obligation as blacks who want to liberate their people from slavery. This is the civilian freedom we are living today. 

Who are “The Big Six”? They organized Ghana’s first political party, channelling constructive impatience into a campaign for independence. The ‘Big Six’ were the leaders of the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC), a political party founded by J.B. Danquah in 1947 to push for self-government.

The team was made up by Ebenezer Ako-Adjei (1916-2002), Edward Akufo-Addo (1906-1979), J.B. Danquah (1895-1965), Emmanuel Obetsebi-Lamptey (1902-1963), William Ofori Atta (1910-1988) Kwame Nkrumah (1909-1972). 

On February 28, 1948, a peaceful demonstration in Accra for pay owed by veterans who fought for Britain in World War II was met with gunfire, killing three people.

Horrified by the incident, the ‘Big Six’ called for full and immediate self-rule. They were all arrested abruptly. It was in prison, the group earned their collective nickname, and became a symbol for the country’s self-determination. 

This was exactly the time when Dr. Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah would use the added notoriety to build a new political party, which would eventually carry him to power.

In a passionate communique, the group made an emphatic statement on their stands for self-governance to the Secretary of State (London). This can be dated back to February 28, 1948. 

“...Unless Colonial Government is changed and a new Government of the people and their Chiefs installed at the centre immediately, the conduct of masses now completely out of control with strikes…will continue…Working Committee United Gold Coast Convention declare they are prepared and ready to take over interim Government.” 

It also added that, “We ask in name of oppressed, inarticulate, misruled and misgoverned people and their Chiefs that Special Commissioner be sent out immediately to hand over Government to interim Government of Chief and People and to witness immediate calling of Constituent Assembly.”

Patriotism: the missing drive force in our country. Though many of us understand the concept of patriotism, not all of us live it as an obligation in our work as civilians. We must understand we are charged with the duty to of upholding true patriotism. 

We as citizens ought to understand that the ideal of patriotism is not a one-day (holiday) off work or school, to go out there and enjoy ourselves. It is not a time for waving of the national flag without recounting the progress of the country’s success. 

What is it therefore if we keep celebrating independence day (March 6) every year without stopping the ills we are doing against the country? 6th of March 1957, was a great day, but, how have we treated her after she gained independence? 

A borrowed phrase has it that, “True patriotism accomplishes her goal when we, the people of this nation, realize her worth. When we notice her as an opportunity to appreciate and incorporate a national civic-mindedness into our lives for the purpose of expressing a desire to nurture our country, our brothers and sisters.”

Also, “True patriotism accomplishes her goal when we, the keepers of our nation, remain passionate with her. When we utilize her as our reason to become zealous and prideful of the values that we stand and fight for together as a harmonious symphony.”  

Moreover, “True patriotism accomplishes her goal when we, the future of our nation, recognize her for who she really is. When we surpass superficial comprehensions of what it means to hold a nationalistic view so that we celebrate, not for the enjoyment of the moment, but for the remembrance of our past, so that we may appreciate who and where we are today.”

All of us, regardless of party affiliations, faith, believe, andethnicity, must come together to achieve the common goal of our beloved country. We all have the same purpose to achieve: to make our country great and strong. 

As we approach the celebration of her 68th birthday after independence coming March 6, 2025, I am seizing the opportunity to beseech everybody, especially our politicians, Members of Parliament, Ministers of State, and all appointees of this government to be patriotic. 

The missing drive force that has degraded the stability of Ghana and has dropped her to corruption, bribery, and all sort of scandalous practices by her own people, for their only to be known selfish ambitions, patriotism. 

Henceforth, like the above historical people who lived a never dying legacy that we are enjoying today, I implore all to live for what they can be remembered for. A legacy long lasting. A standard that would be envied. A pride of height that can never be replaced. 

We are safe and sound when we are together. Not by any geographical location, but by the love that we share, by the devotion that we have towards nation building, and our enthusiasm to uphold ourselves with a patriotic mind set, and with the values and principles of patriotism. 

May we thrive to build our country through the spirit of patriotism! 

The author, Bright T. Terkpernor is a journalist (columnist) with the Daily Dispatch.

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