
Pastors pray for Akosombo dam

The Overseer of the Christian Redemption International Ministry, Apostle Schambach Amaniampong, has begun a three-day fasting and prayers to open the heavens to fill the Akosombo Hydro Electricity dam with water. Apostle Amaniampong, who is being supported by a group of prophets for the three-day spiritual exercise, told the GNA that God was about to do something exceptional to lead the country from the power crises that had created a lot of inconvenience to Ghanaians, especially entrepreneurs. He said God was about to free the sky to fill the dam to brim, help farmers to increase their yield and improve on the lot of businessmen. Speaking at the ordination and graduation of 35 prophets and 17 reverend ministers at the Schambach Theological College in Accra, Archbishop Dr George Slezer Ofori-Atta, Presiding Archbishop of the International Council for the Clergy, also appealed to Christians to pray and fast for water to fill the Akosombo dam. Source: GNA

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