The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, has charged the Labour and Employment committee to probe Zoomlion over allegations it is shortchanging workers under the sanitation module of the Youth Employment Agency (YEA).
Ranking Member on the committee alleged amongst others that despite the ¢600 fee earmarked for each employee, the service provider deducts ¢300 for logistics whilst ¢120 is appropriated as a management fee, leaving the employee with a paltry ¢180 for the month.
Contribution to the budget estimates for the employment and Labour relations ministry, the Pru East MP, Kwabena Donkor, described the development as grave injustice being perpetrated by the service provider.
“There is a constitutional demand on this House to ensure equity; indeed, the directing principle of State policy enjoins us to ensure justice, economic justice for Ghanaians.
“Mr Speaker, after receiving ¢600 per head from the Youth Employment Agency, the service provider pays the people working on this sanitation ¢180 a month out of the ¢600 received; not only that, 120 cedis is appropriated by the service provider as management fee on each individual under the youth employment sanitation module.
“Mr Speaker as if that is not enough injustice perpetrated on the poor, ¢300 out of the ¢600 is appropriated as logistics. Our coat of Arms talks about Freedom and Justice; where is the justice?" he quized.
The Speaker, Alban Bagbin expressed shock over the revelation by Kwabena Donkor.
He directed the Chairman of the Employment Committee to investigate the allegations and submit a report to the House by ending of February next year.
“I have taken note of the contribution of the Ranking Member. He has raised serious issues, I want to direct, and I hereby direct that the Committee of Employment and Labour Relations should take up this issue and investigate it further," he said.
"Not only in regard to what the service provider is doing but also according to the Ranking Member, the blatant violation of the laws by this House itself. He says we’ve condoned and connived on that. We cannot be passing laws and be seen to be disobeying the laws ourselves," he added.
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