The Oti Regional Chairman of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) has commended both parties for maintaining peace and order in the ongoing limited voter registration exercise in the region.

Evans Yaw Daapah, on his tour of the registration centers, praised the efforts of both the NPP and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for ensuring that the registration process has been smooth and free of violence.

He emphasised the importance of maintaining peace and unity during such a crucial exercise, as they are essential for the democratic process.

According to Evans Daapah, it is important for both party members and supporters to continue conducting themselves in a peaceful and respectful manner throughout the registration period.

Speaking in an interview with Obrempongba Owusu of Adom News, the regional party chairman underscored the need for all parties to work together to ensure that the exercise is conducted in a fair and transparent manner.

He encouraged residents aged 18 years and above who were yet to register to do so to enable them to exercise their rights in the upcoming elections. Additionally, Evans Daapah issued a stern warning to minors who may attempt to register illegally.

He cautioned them to stay away from the registration centers and urged parents and guardians to ensure that their children do not engage in any fraudulent activities instigated by any political party, as that comes with negative consequences.

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