The President of the Opticians Association of Ghana, Mr. Isaac Donkor is calling on the government to provide tools for opticians undergoing training in order to equip them to work efficiently.

Speaking at the 10th anniversary and annual general meeting of the Opticians Association of Ghana in Kumasi, he explained some challenges that opticians face in their line of work.

“This ten years journey is not without challenges, and one of the greatest challenges we are crying out for Ghana and the authorities to help us with is this; the School of Dispensing Optics is the first of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa and this school trains a lot of products in opticianry services.

“When you go to the various facilities you have 5 or even ten of them without the right tools to work with. This is our major headache.”

He also raised concerns about the high admission rate at the School of Dispensing Optics.

“The number of students that are trained from the School of Dispensing Optics yearly is very dangerous and very bad for the sector.

“The number should be cut down,” he said.

President of the Opticians Association of Ghana, Mr Isaac Donkor

Head of Optometry and Visual Science Department, KNUST, Dr Kwadwo Owusu Akuffo, shared some intentions of the association to upgrade its educational programmes.

“There are plans of expanding educational programmes and also expanding all the way to the BSc level as well as developing specialties for opticians to look at specific areas and also provide other specialties in health care service,” he said.

The two-day program is under the theme: 10 years of Success and Challenges: Repositioning for 2023 in Sight Targets.

The Opticians Association of Ghana is an association in the country that has united opticians who are responsible for eye care.

The association was formed to unite opticians in Ghana as well as provide a united front to promote eye care services to all citizens.

To mark the ten-year anniversary, a free screening was organized at Dadease to give free eye care services to all members of the community.

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