Oliver Barker-Vormawor

The trial of the #FixTheCountry convener, Oliver Barker-Vormawor for treason has yet again failed to commence.

The trial was expected to commence on Monday morning, May 20, 2024, after more than two years since the charges were brought against him.

Oliver Barker-Vormawor was arrested in February 2022 for making a post the state deemed treasonable on social media.

On April 29 this year, lawyers representing Oliver Barker-Vormawor filed an application challenging the constitutionality of the offence and also prayed to the High Court in Accra for the case to be referred to the Supreme Court.

In court on Monday, the sitting judge was expected to pass a ruling on those outstanding issues to make way for a possible trial. It however turned out that the state only responded to the April 27 application by Mr Barker-Vormawor's lawyers this morning.

In an interview with JoyNews at the courthouse after the adjournment, Mr Barker-Vormawor could not hide his frustration.

"You continue to see the charade and what has happened so far. For them who paraded over 50 armed individuals and snipers, for those who believed that we were a threat to this republic, for so long they have not been able to match those words with the evidence that is required in this trial “Mr Barker-Vormawor fumed.

On social media, the activist has been vocal in his criticism of the state about the seeming delay in commencing the trial; a posture that some say could be inimical to his case.

Mr Barker-Vormawor however holds a different view. In the same interview with JoyNews, he described the state's posturing as a "charade" and wondered why it has failed to promptly respond to the application to make way for the long-awaited trial.

"If they, in fact, believe that we were intending to overthrow this government then they should show up in court and prove that to the everyday Ghanaian “he argued.

He also questioned the kind of democracy that is being practised in Ghana and challenged the state to come forward with evidence to commence the trial.

The judge is expected to pass a ruling on the constitutionality of the offence and the issue of jurisdiction when it reconvenes on May 27 to make way for the trial to commence.

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