The latest thematic report on Migration by the Ghana Statistical Service has revealed an increase in the number of Ghanaians who have travelled and settled outside the country between 2010 and 2021.
The emigrants’ population, according to the report, peaks at 25 to 39. Children under the age of 15 and aged 65+ constitute 4.0% of the emigrant population.
More than half (53.7%)of emigrants originates from Greater Accra (26.9%)and Ashanti (26.8%)regions.
Most emigrants come from rural areas with exception of Greater Accra, Ashanti and Western Regions.
Again, most of the emigrants had their destinations in Europe, the Americas (North, South and Caribbean) and Africa.
The report pointed out that the two major reasons for travelling outside the country is to seek for employment and to pursue education/training.
The key findings were that the two main destinations for Ghanaian emigrants are Europe and America.
Also, the age of Emigrant population peaks at 25 to 39 years.
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