The New Patriotic Party (NPP) Youth wing has announced that it will host the International Young Democrat Union (IYDU) Council meeting from June 27th to June 30th, 2024, at the Alisa Hotel in Accra, Ghana.

The IYDU, which the NPP Youth Wing is a member, is a global alliance of centre-right political youth organisations dedicated to promoting freedom, democracy, and human rights.

This year’s council meeting, themed “Global Challenges, Conservative Solutions: Building a More Secure and Prosperous Future,” will gather young political leaders from around the world to discuss critical issues, share best practices, and build networks that strengthen democratic values.

As the host, the NPP Youth Wing will highlight Ghana’s vibrant democracy and commitment to youth empowerment.

The programme will feature keynote addresses from influential leaders, panel discussions, and interactive workshops focusing on leadership, governance, and innovative policy solutions.

“We are honoured to host this significant event,” said Salam Mustapha, NPP National Youth Organiser. “This meeting is an opportunity for young leaders to collaborate, learn, and drive positive change in their respective countries. It is a testament to our commitment to fostering a generation of informed and proactive leaders.”

The International Young Democrat Union (IYDU) is a global alliance of young political leaders and youth organisations from centre-right parties, dedicated to promoting democracy, freedom, and human rights.

The organisation provides a platform for young leaders to share ideas, develop policies, and advocate for democratic principles worldwide.

The NPP Youth Wing is committed to engaging and empowering young Ghanaians through political participation, leadership training, and community development initiatives.

By hosting the IYDU Council meeting, the NPP Youth Wing aims to showcase Ghana's dedication to democratic values and youth development on the international stage.

The highlights of the Council Meeting include keynote addresses, panel discussions, interactive workshops and networking opportunities.

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