National | Politics

NPP primaries: Ursula Owusu reacts to allegations of camping delegates

Ablekuma West Member of Parliament, Ursula Owusu Ekuful, has denied claims of campaigning delegates in the ongoing primaries.

Her contender, Roni Kwesi Nicol accused her of camping delegates at the Christian Home Centre in Dansoman in breach of party protocols.

The NPP issued directives against the camping and transportation of delegates to voting centres to ensure free and fair elections.

Camping of delegates has become one of the commonly used strategies in party elections as a means to ostensibly influence voting.

But the Minister for Communications and Digitilisation in an interview on Adom TV denied the allegations, stating there is no iota of truth in it.

“We use the terms loosely without understanding. I have only provided breakfast for them but when people are losing, they make allegations to discredit their opponent,” she said.

According to her, all she did as a considerate MP was to prepare breakfast for the delegates before the election which was shared at Christian Home.

“If someone who is not visionary didn’t anticipate that delegates will be hungry and didn’t make provisions, I did to show maturity. Or is the allegation out of the fear that I am winning?” she quizzed.

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