Aspiring presidential candidate Kofi Koranteng believes that the failure of Ghana's major political parties—the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC)—to deliver good governance and development has created widespread dissatisfaction among the populace.

This, he argues, has opened the door for voters to consider new political parties and candidates as a viable third force capable of bringing the needed change.

Speaking on JoyNews’ PM Express on Monday, he said that “people are hurting more than they've ever heard. That's not what I am saying, it's a fact.

"At the same time, the NDC and NPP are giving us a show of a lifetime of incompetence…Circus of the incompetence…I was watching a video the other day, Baomiya talking about, how they're going to train Kayaye to do ICT.”’

“They're going to wait for the person to graduate from their homes to be Kayaye. Once they become Kayaye, then you're going to train them to be ICT.

"Meanwhile, John Mahama is saying we will wait for you to go be an okada rider, license you, and then train people to know how to sit on the back of motorbikes. I was flabbergasted when I heard it. I was like, this is a classic circus of incompetence, and we are witnessing it.”

Mr Koranteng emphasised that the youth are particularly disillusioned with the antics of these two parties, feeling marginalised and neglected.

As such, they are more motivated than ever to vote for candidates who can deliver real change and good governance.

“The youth, they are tired. They were coined into obscurity, but now they're more charged up than anything because they realise that this is their last shot. There’s GH¢640 billion of debt, no industry.”

“We’re popping about 315 babies every day from teenagers having these babies, no work. They're more unemployed graduates than any country in the world. Never even heard that before, society of unemployed graduates,” he added.

Mr Koranteng argued that this is a reflection of the end of a political era dominated by the NDC and NPP.

"The two mafioso cabals that have controlled our politics for the last 32 years have reached the end of their game," he said.

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