A member of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), has submitted a petition to the Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, raising serious concerns about Abanga Yakubu Fuseini, the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) Parliamentary Candidate for the Aowin Constituency.

The petition highlights several issues that could jeopardise the party's chances of winning the seat from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the upcoming elections.

According to the member, Mr Fuseini has been notably absent since the start of the 2024 limited voter registration exercise.

He claimed that unlike the other eight parliamentary candidates in the region, Mr Fuseini has not actively participated in constituency activities.

His absence was particularly noticeable during the Vice President's recent visit to the region, where all other parliamentary candidates were present except him.

He also mentioned that Mr Fuseini has not stayed in the constituency for even a week continuously, making it difficult for constituents to familiarise themselves with him.

"He has also been absent from important social events such as funerals and religious programmes, which are crucial for building rapport with the electorate."

As a new candidate, Mr Fuseini is not well-known among the indigenous communities and towns in the constituency" he noted.

The petition suggests that if Mr Fuseini finds the role too challenging, calling on the party to replace him with a more committed candidate to avoid disappointing both the party and its presidential candidate.

The petitioner wants the party leadership to urgently address Mr. Fuseini’s lack of involvement and motivate him to work harder.

The member warns that if Mr Fuseini’s behaviour does not change, there will be a significant demonstration against him.

The petition emphasises that the party’s efforts in the region, including infrastructural developments like the Enchi – Dadieso Road, Kordjour – Pakyi Road, and the construction of an Astro Turf Park at Enchi, should not be in vain due to one candidate’s negligence.

The activist concluded with a plea to Vice President Bawumia to address these issues promptly to ensure the NPP’s success in the Aowin Constituency.

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