A circuit court at Cape Coast on Wednesday granted bail to Nana Appentuah IV, Nifahemaa of Afutuakwa traditional area in the sum of 100 million cedis, with two sureties to be justified. The suspect, known in private life as Beatrice Brewu and also queenmother of the Asakyire clan of Assin Foso, was arrested for inciting a group of people to assault a bailiff of a high court in Cape Coast. She pleaded not guilty and the court presided over by Beresford Acquah granted her the bail to re-appear on Wednesday, May 23. Chief Inspector Hope Azasoo, prosecuting, told the court that on Saturday May 5, Nana J. B. Akomanyi, Krontihene of Afutuakwa traditional area, petitioned a high court in Cape Coast against the installation of one Peter Acheampong, now domiciled in the United States, as the Nifahene of the area at Assin Foso. He alleged that Anthony Aidoo, a bailiff of the high court was sent to Assin Foso to serve the Nifahemaa and her group with the order restraining them from installing the Nifahene. Chief Inspector Azasoo also alleged that on receipt of the order, the Nifahemaa became annoyed and rained insults on the bailiff. She therefore mobilized her supporters to assault him, and in the process, he lost his Motorola mobile phone and an amount of 200,000 cedis. Mr Azasoo said some people rescued the bailiff and he went to the Assin Foso police station to lodge a complaint, and the Nifahemaa was arrested but her accomplices managed to escape. Source: GNA

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