
Fiifi Kwetey, others sworn into office

Controversial Deputy Finance and Economic Planning Minister, Fiifi Kwetey has been sworn into office with three others. They are Deputy Local Government Minister, Elvis Afriyie Ankrah, Dr. Kwesi Appiah-Kubi, Deputy Interior Minister, and Mrs Dzifa Aku Ativor, Deputy Minster for Transport. The Deputy Ministers were sworn in at a short ceremony in Accra. Performing the swearing in ceremony, President J.E.A. Mills admonished the appointees to work diligently to help him achieve his objectives. He asked them to exhibit clear conscience in all their dealings with the people. Mr. Fiifi Kwetey told Joy News’ Stephen Anti his ideas will be fit into the grand agenda of the NDC to enable the government deliver on its promises. He said the government will pursue aggressively its agenda of prudent financial and economic management. Mr. Kwetey’s nomination, vetting and subsequent approval was dominated by huge controversies. The Minority in Parliament was against his appointment accusing him of peddling untruth during the campaigns last year. Their vehement protests, however, could not stop Mr. Kwetey from getting the nod as they did not have the required numbers in Parliament to block his approval. Story by Malik Abass Daabu

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