
New Ejisu MP, Kwabena Boateng sworn-in

Swearing of new Ejisu Member of Parliament, Kwabena Boateng

Today, Friday, May 17, marked the swearing-in ceremony of Kwabena Boateng, the Member of Parliament-elect for the Ejisu constituency. 

The solemn oath-taking event occurred in Parliament, presided over by the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin. 

The recall of the house by the Majority facilitated this emergency sitting, leading to Mr. Boateng's official induction into office.

Mr Boateng's ascension to the parliamentary seat follows a by-election orchestrated by the Electoral Commission after the untimely passing of the former MP for the region, John Kumah, on March 7.

In the by-election held on Tuesday, April 30, Mr. Boateng clinched victory with a commanding lead, amassing 27,782 votes, which constituted 55.79% of the total ballots cast.

His nearest contender, Kwabena Owusu Aduomi, a former MP for the area running as an independent candidate, trailed behind with 21,536 votes, representing 43.24% of the vote share.

The by-election witnessed a total turnout of 49.1%, with additional candidates receiving varying levels of support. Esther Osei of the CPP garnered 89 votes (0.2%), Beatrice Boakye of the LPG secured 149 votes (0.3%), Gabriel Agyemang Joseph, an independent candidate, amassed 222 votes (0.4%), while Attakorah Joseph, also an independent candidate, received 23 votes (0.05%).

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