Naturopathic Doctor and President of Sankofa Health Movement, Dr Morris Mensah, says that Non- Communicable Diseases (NDCs) can be effectively treated through proper dieting.

According to him, many people suffer from these diseases due to a lack of understanding about their causes.

He says many lifestyle diseases can be managed without medication if their underlying causes are properly addressed.

Speaking on Joy Prime’s Morning Show on July 2, he said, “Many of them, you wouldn’t even have to be on certain medication. A disease never comes without a cause. If this is well established, I believe people wouldn’t be suffering as they are doing. If you understood that this thing you are ingesting into the system will give you certain disorders, you will never engage in eating them,” he said.

According to Dr Mensah, there are a lot of processed foods and unhealthy dietary habits driven by profit motives.

“We want to industrialise everything we eat and to make money out of it, we bring sicknesses into our lives. There are many things in the system that have been accepted that are advertised all around but are not good for us.”

“If we claim that we have the rightful information regarding diet, why are we now suffering than when we thought we lacked such information,” he said.

Dr. Mensah stated that energy drinks can cause erectile dysfunction because of the ingredients used.

“Young men come to me, they are unable to erect. What is the problem? You see them early in the morning with so called energy drinks. And we know it’s killing. You will be amazed what they are using for such productions but you will be in danger to talk about them.

"Is that what we want? To see our youth dying while people make money out of that. I have many below 30 years who are hypertensive. It shouldn’t be so. Years ago you would have to be around 60, 70 before you experience some of these things.”

“There are many researches that have been conducted from practical and theoretical academic point of view giving one focal point that our lifestyle matters but we disregard because we want to sell medicines,” he said.

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