Nation Builder’s Corps (NABCo) trainees have called on Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), to fulfil his promise by settling their outstanding arrears. 

As part of his campaign in the Volta Region on June 2, 2024, Dr. Bawumia pledged to pay the trainees’ 9-month arrears, a commitment that has yet to be honoured. This delay has prompted the trainees to demand immediate action.

In a statement released on Monday, June 24, the Coalition of NABCo Trainees expressed their disappointment and frustration over Dr Bawumia’s silence on the issue.

They highlighted the prolonged wait and the financial strain caused by the unfulfilled promise.

The trainees urged Dr Bawumia to address their concerns promptly, emphasizing that fulfilling his commitment is crucial for their livelihood and trust in his leadership.

“On June 2, 2024, the Vice President and Flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party, Dr Mahamudu Bawurnia, made a significant promise to vulnerable former NABCO Trainees during his campaign tour in the Volta Region, committing to pay the Trainees’ 9-month arrears."

“However, weeks have passed without action, and silence has followed. As a result, vulnerable Trainees in a critically weakened condition are demanding the fulfilment of the Vice President’s promise.”

“Mr. Vice President and flagbearer, we urge you to honour your promise and release our outstanding arrears without further delay. We demand the immediate payment of our outstanding arrears.

"Your negligence is a slap in the face to our dedication and hard work. It is time for action, not just words. Pay us what you owe as promised," an excerpt of the statement said.

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