A journalist with the Multimedia Group Limited, Erastus Asare Donkor, who in recent times has become known for his fearless reporting on illegal mining activities, has revealed the extent of his family's worry as a result of his journalistic pursuits.

Opening up about the challenges and family concerns he faces, Erastus recounted a poignant moment when his mother offered to use her pension to pay him monthly if he would quit his job.

He made this revelation in an interview with Aisha Ibrahim, on JoyNews’ PM Express: Personality Profile on Friday.

“My mom once told me that she wants to use her pension to pay me every month so that I stop this job. When she sees me on TV in a scary manner she calls and asks, ‘Kwaku, are you okay? Are you sure you're okay? Where are you at the moment?'

“And I will tell her ‘I'm fine. What you're watching is a recorded version, I am currently at home.’ She wouldn’t understand but I understand her,” he said.

Read also: Erastus Asare Donkor advocates for policies to curb illegal mining

Despite the anxiety, Erastus was grateful to his family for being very supportive.

“But I think the family has been very supportive. My dad, my mom, my brothers, and the only sister I have and my wife, especially,” he revealed.

Erastus described the tension that arises whenever he has to head out to dangerous locations such as illegal mining sites.

“Whenever I mention the fact that we have to move out into galamsey sites, there's always tension. Which to me is normal. She's not afraid, but she's worried and we spend moments together praying. I have to calm her down and let her understand that it's just a day of work and definitely, God would bring me back.”

To ease his wife's worries, the environmental journalist maintains constant communication while on assignment.

“I always have to be updating her. I have to send her constant videos and pictures on our trail and wherever we are to assure her that I am okay, the team is okay, and that we’re fine.”

Erastus also highlighted the mutual concern he shares with his team, which includes his camera technician, the drone pilot, and the driver.

“They are all family men, unfortunately. Whilst I'm thinking about myself, I think about them more because if something should happen we’re all at risk. But they all have the same mind as me, the same testicular fortitude, and the same motivations that drive us to do what we do.”

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