
Muslims hold open-air prayers to mark Eid-Ul-Adha

The Central Regional Minister, Nana Ato Arthur, on Saturday joined thousands of Muslim in the Cape Coast municipality in open-air prayers to mark the Eid-Ul-Adha, the festive of sacrifice. At the Holy Child School prayer ground where the orthodox Muslims said their Eid-Ul-Adha prayers, Nana Arthur called on Muslims to emulate the shining example of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) that culminated into the annual Eid-Ul Adha prayers by co-existing peacefully with one another. He cautioned them not to let differences of opinion divide them but rather unite and love each other to promote the development of their communities. Nana Arthur advised them to strive and send their children to school to enable them become responsible citizens and also to register with the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) to enjoy a quality and affordable health delivery system. He said plans were advanced to establish a waste management plant that would be used to recycle plastic and other waste materials to help make the municipality clean to boost tourism. Nana Arthur said the transformation of the Victoria Park into a park similar to the Independence Square in Accra. He donated a bull and two million cedis to the Chief Imam and the ulamau for the sacrifice. Sheikh Abubakar Hassan, the Regional Chief Imam who led the congregation in the prayer, prayed for peace and prosperity for the nation and also prayed for the President John Agyekum Kufuor, the Vice President and the government as well as all Ghanaians. The Muslims described the levy they paid to the Cape Coast Municipal Assembly and the Births and Deaths Registry as exorbitant and appealed to the regional minister to intervene for a reduction in the 500,000 cedis levy. At the Cape Coast Secondary Technical School Park where the Ahmadiyya Muslims Mission prayed, Maulvi Abdul Hameed Tahir, the regional missionary, underscored the importance of prayers and sacrifice in the Islamic religion and called on Muslims to ensure that they adhered to all the teachings of Prophet Mohammed. He spoke about the important role Abraham played in the history of Islam and urged parents to love, care for and train their children in a similar way Abraham trained his only son Isaac. Maulvi Tahir said as believers in Islam, it was imperative for them to follow the footsteps of Abraham who loved Allah with all his heart and sacrificed his only son and property to him. "For the sentimental sacrifice Abraham made many years ago his name is still being remembered by all generations so would your names be remembered if you love and serve Allah." Nana Arthur commended them for co-existing peacefully and urged them to continue to ensure that peace and unity prevailed in their communities. He later donated a bull and money on behalf of the government. Source: GNA

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