
MUSIGA takes training to northern sector

As part of the ongoing capacity building programme of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), members of the union in the northern part of the country will have their turn at a two day workshop.

The programme will take place on Thursday, May 30, 2024 and Friday, May 31, 2024.

The workshop is part of a training programme supported by the Ghana Skills Development Fund (GSDF) which involves the training of thirty two members of the Union in 'Leveraging Digital Tools to Generate Revenue.'

Representatives from the three regions will participate in the workshop is a training of trainers session to acquire the necessary skills to navigate the digital terrain since the music business has gone largely digital.

The General Secretary of the Union, S. Kofi Agyemang indicated that, “Considering the rapid changes in the music business and the fact that the whole business is now digital, from production to consumption, it’s important that we equip our members with the necessary skills to enable them compete favorably in the business and thrive.”

The workshop facilitator, Kwabena Ofei-Kwadey Nkrumah aka Spikey says, “It’s essential that our creatives understand that content creation around their music is the way to generate more revenue and not just uploading your music videos, you need to understand the creation of content and how to monetize your online presence.”

Participants will be taught about the changing music landscape, how to develop a fan base, utilize technological tools such as A.I to create content, how to distribute, market and monetize your content. 

The workshop in Tamale is the third and final one in the series which has taken place in Accra and Kumasi. For the Accra workshop, participants were drawn from Western, Central, Greater Accra and Volta Regions.

For the Kumasi workshop, particpants were from Ashanti Region, Eastern Region and Bono Ahafo Region. The project commenced last April and is due to end this year.

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