Thirty deprived second-cycle schools struggling with clean water across the 16 regions of Ghana are to benefit from the social intervention associated with the 2024 edition of MTN Y’ello Care.

The 30 days MTN Y’ello Care initiative aims to expand educational systems with more infrastructures and provide resources and materials for teachers to boost education.

The beneficiary schools will also empower learners with sustainable initiatives and be equipped with digital tools to bridge the digital gaps and improve educational outcomes.

Church of Christ Senior High School in Ejisu in the Ashanti region, has been battling with access to quality water supply.

The school, with over a thousand students, lacks stable water supply.

According to the headmaster of Church of Christ Senior High School, Emmanuel Teye Adebi-Caesar, the situation is negatively affecting teaching and learning.

“The water source is on an uphill. So it’s not easy to get enough water. Early in the morning, there are problems getting water for our activities. This affects studies with students being late since they have to get water,” he said.

Mr Teye Adebi-Caesar expressed gratitude for the inclusion of the school in the30-day social support initiative by MTN Y’ello Care.

This initiative is an annual staff volunteer programme instituted 17 years ago to allow MTN staff across about 19 countries to volunteer their skills and services freely for the benefit of the community while investing in life-changing projects.

The 2024 edition campaign coincides with the 30th anniversary celebration of MTN dubbed "30 Days of Y'ello Care."

The theme for this year's edition is "Education for Rural and Remote Communities – Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow."

The intervention aims to strengthen the socio-economic growth of Ghanaian youth with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources.

General Manager of the Northern Sector, Nii Adotey Mingle, said the initiative will help bridge some of the educational gaps and barriers faced by rural communities.

“The 30 boreholes in 30 Senior High Schools is under a project dubbed 'Quench and Connect'. The boreholes will be drilled in selected schools across the 16 regions facing water crises. We hope that providing these boreholes will alleviate the burden on the beneficiary schools and allow students to focus on their studies.

“Our initiatives will also include ICT-enabled programs to enhance education, the establishment of gardens to support school feeding programs, and the organization of digital literacy workshops to teach crucial digital skills to students and teachers. Through these projects, we hope to improve the schools' teaching and learning quality,” he said.

Nii Adotey Mingle admonished volunteers to give their all and create a positive impact.

“This is why I encourage every single MTN user in Ghana to participate. I fully support this and I urge you to join fully. I would also like to thank our esteemed partners for this year for your support in ensuring the success of the 2024 edition of 30 Days of Y'ello Care. Your support is greatly appreciated.

“On behalf of RELCOM and the Y'ello Care Steering Committee, I am delighted to launch the 30 Days of Y'ello Care 2024 officially. Let us all go out and volunteer as we promote "Education for Rural and Remote Communities,” he said.

The 30-day Y’ello care challenge runs from June 1st to June 30th, 2024.

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