Rashida Abubakar Tetteh, the troubled mother of a three-day-old baby, has spoken out about the tragic loss of her child allegedly due to a power outage at the Tema General Hospital on the evening of Tuesday, March 26.
The 24-year-old mother, currently admitted to the Post C-S ward of the hospital, recounted her heartbreaking experience during an interview on Adom FM’s morning show Dwaso Nsem on Thursday, March 28.
She revealed that, when she went to see her newborn son, a doctor told her the child could not survive due to the non-functional medical equipment during the power outage.
“I went to visit my son but I didn’t see him. I was waiting outside when one doctor came to inform me that they were sorry but due to the lights out, my child could not survive because the incubator was not working.
"The lights went off on Tuesday evening. No staff has spoken to me, and they haven’t said anything to me,” she narrated.
The grandmother of the deceased, Rebecca Johnson who also spoke on the show expressed her grief.
“It’s painful, they have killed my child because of dumsor; I am in pain. We have nothing to say to the hospital. A hospital like Teme General said they didn’t have petrol in the generator. Is this how we are going to act in this country,” she cried.
Meanwhile, the Tema General Hospital has denied reports suggesting that fatalities occurred during the power outage experienced at the facility on Tuesday, March 26th.
Read also: No lives were lost during last Tuesday’s ‘dumsor’ – Tema General Hospital
In a press release issued on Wednesday, March 27, the hospital dismissed these claims as baseless and urged the public to disregard them.
"It is worth noting that no lives were lost as a result of this power outage," an excerpt of the statement said.
The statement emphasised the hospital's unwavering commitment to prioritizing the health and safety of its patients above all else.
"The Tema General Hospital assures the general public that the Facility will continue to put the health and safety of its patients at the core of its business," the statement concluded.
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