Women in Livelihood Development (WiLD), a non-profit organisation in Banda in the Bono region, has emphasised the need to prioritise menstrual hygiene.

They say this will promote a healthier, more equitable, and empowered society for women and girls in the country.

A statement signed by the Deputy Coordinator of WiLD, Mavis Wife, noted that menstrual hygiene is not just a health issue but a matter of dignity, equality, and human rights.

It impacts education, employment, and overall well-being, particularly for women and girls in underserved communities.

The statement further highlighted the lack of access to safe menstrual hygiene management resources, including sanitary products, clean water, and proper sanitation facilities, especially in deprived areas.

Additionally, the statement addressed the stigma surrounding menstruation in communities across the country, which exacerbates the challenges women and girls face.

“We at Women in Livelihood Development reaffirm our commitment to working towards a nation where all individuals have access to menstrual hygiene education, products, and support through our one-girl-one-pad initiative,” WiLD stated.

“On this International Menstrual Hygiene Day, let us unite to break the silence, challenge taboos, and advocate policies that prioritize menstrual health and hygiene.

Together, we can create a world where menstruation is no longer a barrier but a natural and celebrated aspect of life,” the statement stressed.

WiLD's statement encourages everyone to realize that menstrual hygiene is crucial for women's health, well-being, and dignity.

“We also encourage all Ghanaians nationwide to raise awareness about menstrual health and hygiene for improved support and action,” WiLD said.

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