Project Manager at Plan International Ghana, Anna Nabere, has called on the government to ensure affordable access to sanitary pads, arguing that sporadic distributions are not a long-term solution to menstrual product scarcity.

Mrs Nabere highlighted the importance of making sanitary pads affordable, stating that reliance on donations from organisations is neither sustainable nor sufficient to meet the ongoing needs of girls and women in Ghana. 

Speaking on JoyNews’ AM show, she stated that, “So, for me, I would recommend that whatever we can do, the government, the NGOs and all those people that are concerned should make sanitary pads affordable and accessible.”

Mrs Nabere noted that the lack of proper facilities poses a significant obstacle for students, highlighting the difficulties faced by girls who are menstruating in school.

According to her, Plan International is taking steps to address the challenge by providing access to safe and dignified menstrual facilities in schools, ensuring that girls do not face barriers to education during their periods.

“What plan international Ghana is doing currently making is to go into about 18 public schools to provide them with hygienic facilities so that they can manage their menstrual hygiene properly.

“Each of these schools they have been provided facilities, and the facilities consist of two toilets for boys and two toilets for girls. One toilet for teachers and all that, including changing rooms, so that when they are in school and there is a need for them to change, they can move to such a place, do their things dignifiedly, and then come out and continue with their learning,” she noted.

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