The Nkoranza South constituency of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has accused the National Democratic Congress (NDC) of causing violence in the ongoing limited registration exercise in the municipality.

Members of the NPP, led by the constituency executive and the parliamentary candidate, held a press conference to address the alleged violent incident.

On Saturday, 18th May, 2024, a group of people believed to be members of the NDC stormed the Electoral Commission's office, where the registration is ongoing, and started beating everyone in sight, including children who had taken steps to be enrolled in the electoral register to exercise their rights as Ghanaians.

The NPP condemned the actions of the NDC and stated that their parliamentary candidate would not be deterred by the violent actions of the NDC, led by the incumbent MP. They called on members of the New Patriotic Party to remain calm and reasonable in their quest to discharge their duties responsibly.

"We will not continue this form of outmoded strategy and style from our opponents. We also call on the police to step up their game and bring any perpetrator to book so that the general election can be free and fair," the NPP stated.

The NPP urged the police to take action to prevent further violence and ensure a peaceful electoral process.

The accusation of violence has raised tensions in the constituency, and it remains to be seen how the situation will unfold.

When Adom News contacted the NDC Nkoranza South about the allegations, they responded they said they were also planning a press conference to respond to the NPP.

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