Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa

The Member of Parliament (MP) for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, has stood firm in response to threats of legal action from the Blay family regarding his allegations against them.

The Blay family is accused of unlawfully attempting to acquire land from the Labadi Beach Hotel, a state-owned property in Accra.

Speaking on Citi FM on Wednesday, June 26, Mr Ablakwa expressed his readiness to face the Blay family in court, dismissing any intimidation tactics aimed at silencing him.

He acknowledged the challenges ahead in his quest for transparency and accountability but affirmed his determination to pursue justice.

Despite the looming threat of a lawsuit, Mr Ablakwa stated that he had not yet been formally served with any writ from the Blay family.

He underscored his commitment to holding accountable those involved in what he described as unlawful land acquisition, stressing the importance of upholding the rule of law and protecting public assets.

The allegations against the Blay family have stirred controversy, particularly concerning the ownership and management of state-owned properties like the Labadi Beach Hotel.

Mr Ablakwa's public stance has garnered attention and support from advocates for transparency in the acquisition of state lands and other assets.

In response to queries about the specifics of the accusations, Mr Ablakwa maintained his position, asserting that his claims were grounded in credible information and evidence.

He called for a thorough investigation into the matter to ensure accountability and to prevent any potential misuse of public resources.

As the situation unfolds, Mr Ablakwa said he remains resolute in his commitment to uphold accountability standards and to protect public interests, despite the legal challenges he may face from the Blay family.

“The Blay family keep issuing threats upon threats. I have said look, what are they waiting for? I am ready. I am not one who shies away from the court…So, I know that it is a tough job. People will threaten you with legal suits, will try to silence you.”

“So, I am not one who fears the court. I am ready for the writ anytime they issue it. But for now, I can confirm to you that they have not reached me yet,” he said.

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