
Kufuor to attend Africa Forum in Berlin

President John Agyekum Kufuor joins other selected world leaders for high level consultation at the Eighth Africa Partnership Forum in Berlin, Germany, from May 22-23. The meeting, a precursor to the Group of Eight Industrialized Nations (G-8) Summit, would enable the participants to dialogue on strategic political and socio-economic issues relating to Africa's development, particularly, support for the implementation of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) programme. This was contained in a press release signed by Mr Andrew Awuni, Press Secretary to the President in Accra on Wednesday. It said this year's APF meeting would also elaborate on recommendations of the Africa Action Plan of 2002 for the preparations of the upcoming G8 and African Union Summits. President Kufuor and German President Horst Köhler early this year co-chaired the Partnership for Africa Forum in Accra, which engaged 50 youth leaders from Africa and Germany in a discussion on possible solutions to problems relating to the environment, education and training, conflict, violence and democratic processes. The release said German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf of Liberia and Denmark's Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen would lead the Berlin Forum. Source: GNA

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