NK-Salem Medical Centre, through its philanthropic arm, NK-Salem Foundation, has announced the KSM Festival 2023, set to take place at the Kisseman Sports Complex on December 30, 2023.

This event promises to be a remarkable celebration of community, culture, and health.

The NK-Salem Foundation first emerged during the challenging times of the 2020 pandemic, demonstrating their dedication to supporting the less privileged.

They distributed relief items and monetary gifts to those in need. This year, the organization has taken their commitment to a new level by organizing the KSM Festival 2023, a community-centric event with a nationwide reach.

The KSM Festival 2023 is a multifaceted event designed to promote unity and togetherness among communities. It will feature a diverse array of activities, including sports, cultural displays, a kids' zone, food, and live music performances. Attendees can look forward to a day filled with entertainment and opportunities to connect with their fellow community members.

One of the highlights of the festival is a health screening exercise, which will be preceded by a simple health walk. Additionally, a community cleaning initiative is planned, demonstrating NK-Salem's commitment to both physical and mental well-being. The day's festivities will culminate in an inter-community football gala featuring eight teams from the Kisseman community at the Kisseman Sports Complex.

But the excitement doesn't end there. NK-Salem Foundation has also revealed that several A-list musicians are slated to perform at the KSM Festival 2023, promising a grand and unforgettable finale to the event. Festival-goers are advised to stay tuned to NK-Salem's social media accounts for updates on the musical lineup.

Speaking on behalf of NK-Salem Foundation, a representative urged the community to take full advantage of the health screening and other events to improve their well-being.

The Foundation's commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others is evident in their actions, such as their recent distribution of 1,000 envelopes, each containing 50 Ghanaian Cedi notes, to street hawkers in Accra on October 3, 2023.

NK-Salem Medical Centre, located in Achimota Abofu on the GH Media Stretch, has reiterated their dedication to improving and changing lives. They encourage everyone to attend the KSM Festival 2023 and be a part of this uplifting and community-focused celebration.

The KSM Festival 2023 promises to be an event that not only entertains but also strengthens the bonds of unity within the community, embodying the spirit of NK-Salem Foundation's commitment to positive change and well-being.

The NK-Salem Foundation's mission is deeply rooted in the principle of comprehensive healthy living. Their commitment extends beyond physical health, as they take significant strides to promote mental and social well-being. With a holistic approach to wellness, the foundation goes beyond healing; they passionately propagate love and embrace humanity without regard to race or background.

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