The Paramount Chief of the Kade Traditional Area of the Eastern Region, Osabarima Agyare Tenadu II, has charged Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS), Major General Oppong Peprah to use his high profile office to ensure that peace prevails before, and during and after the 2024 General elections.

The Chief noted that Ghana can preserve its peace through efforts from the security sector.

The Kade Chief made this known during his official visit to the office of the Chief of the Defense Staff on Tuesday, March 12, in Accra.

Quoting his advising message from "1 Samuel 17:29", Osabarima Tenadu II, advised that Ghana was the only country we have and it is therefore important that we live in unity for the betterment of the Nation.

"I will continue to use my well-recognised position as a traditional leader to promote peace and unity across the length and breadth of Ghana," he assured.

For his part, the Chief of the Defence Staff, Major General Thomas Oppong Peprah, thanked the Kade Chief for the advice.

He assured that he would use his position to ensure a peaceful election to the admiration of all Ghanaians and the world as a whole.

"As a Chief of Army Staff then, I promised Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, of a free and fair election in 2020 and it happens so I want to once again assure that there will be peace peace before, during and after the 2024 general elections," Major General Peprah assured.

He pleaded with Muslim and Christian leaders to continue to educate their members not to be used for political violence in the 2024 general elections.

The CDS also seized the opportunity and advised leaders of the various political parties in the country to help in preserving the already existing peace in the country.

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